Hello! Cześć!
I am Fanni, the newest volunteer in IB Polska office.

A little introduction of me: I come from a village in Hungary. I’ve studied and lived in the heart of the country, Budapest. I’m a freshly graduated 19-year-old who wanted to get out of her comfort zone, challenge herself, and see the world.

The reason why I chose ESC is because it is a big community, everyone who participated in this program has a similar experience and it connects all of us. The values and sense of ESC are something that I fully sympathize with, and want to represent and spread it all around me for a better society.

I chose to work in an office, for the reason that I had the opportunity to work/help out in an NGO in Budapest, and I fancied the community and lifestyle. Also, in an office you meet with different tasks every day, and it encourages you to be creative. I’m sure that the experience that I’ll get here will benefit me and my work in the future.

My quote is

’’The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”

– Mark Twain.

I came here to learn, experience, and form. I finished high school in June and lived in Budapest for a few months, I felt like it was not enough for me to grow. I wanted to go abroad and grow into something bigger as a person.

Greetings, Fanni.
European Solidarity Corps volunteer.