It was a wonderful week surrounded by the best people from all over the world who are now ESC volunteers in different cities in Poland. Now I have new friends from Germany, France, Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, Belgium, Italy and Algeria. It's incredible!

Our time was not limited only to the official part with really useful workshops/training/games. We also had a great time together after: we had movie nights, sang songs, explored Warsaw, played billiards, talked a lot on different topics.

My top 3 activities during the official part:
  1. All kinds of tasks where we were divided into small groups and had to discuss one or more topics for some time. One such topic was “How do you take care of yourself?”.

2. There was also a task where we were divided randomly into groups where we had to act out a story. My team got a situation where someone forgot to wash the dishes in the apartment and we had to find a way out of this situation.

3. We had to create a collage to represent our experience of volunteering in Poland. I enjoyed this task. I decided not to use pictures and drawings, only words in Polish and English that are associated with life in Poland and volunteering for me, I decided to use only red, black and white to make it look stylish.

And of course, another great part is the shared lunches with all the volunteers. The food was always delicious and the conversations warm.

Thank universe for this experience, and for such wonderful people!

Article by Artsiom,
European Solidarity Corps volunteer.
On-Arrival training for European Solidarity Corps volunteers from 19.02.-23.02.2024.