Volunteering project reACTogether – 1 free vacancy for EU resident

Volunteering project reACTogether – 1 free vacancy for EU resident

We are currently searching for candidates from EU countries who would like to support Integrational school in Waganowice, 20 km away from Krakow. The school has students with and without disability. The size of the classes and activities of the classes vary according to the present disabilities. As a volunteer, you will assist the teachers and educators with their classes. Expect to cook a lot of traditional dishes as well as to make lots of crafts. Physical therapy, physical education and English classes are only a few examples of classes you could assist in. The schedule is flexible and will be drawn up with you according to your preferences. The project will also aim to increase and promote the sensitivity and social involvement of project participants, stimulate them to respond together to the recognized social challenges and to build more integrated and solidarity society. ⏳Duration: 10 months ?Start: September/October 2019 ?Finish: June/July 2020


1st step : Please fill the application form 2nd step: Skype interview. We will contact only chosen candidates

Training during the opportunity:

1) On-arrival training in Warsaw – Polish National Agency (6 days) 2) Mid-term training in Torun – Polish National Agency (5 days) 3) Polish language course provided by Coordinating organisation. Course will be held by professional teacher of Polish as a foreign language. Duration of the course depends on the length of the project. As a coordinating organization, we will provide other opportunities to practice Polish (tandem meetings etc.). 4) Additional workshops and meetings (individual and in group)

Organisation name:

Zespół Szkół w Waganowicach


Waganowice 19, 32-090 Słomniki

More about volunteering projects led by Internationaler Bund Polska:



The main purpose of our project reACTogether is to increase the sensitivity and social involvement of project participants, stimulate them to respond together to the recognized challenges and social problems and to build a more integrated and solidarity society. Volunteers in their daily work will support the students of the Autism Center in Krakow, School Complex of Stanisław Wyspiański in Waganowice, children from Public Kindergarten No. 92 and our Foundation Internationaler Bund Polska. In project 8 volunteers will participate from: Egypt, Macedonia, Georgia, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Spain and Hungary. We want that the volunteers during the 10 months of voluntary service will feel that through their involvement they become an important part of the local community and feel the positive impact of their daily work and additional activities they undertake, and simply their presence and willingness to help on society and reality around them. We want to increase their sensitivity, initiative and sense of agency. We want them to recognize how important their commitment is, but also to cooperate and support each other in changing the reality around them. The objectives of the project „reACTogether” are following: 1)         The first objective of the project is the support of volunteers in educational institutions in the implementation of their educational and educational mission. Volunteers will be included primarily in the elements of the work of institutions, which will allow them to use informal ways of learning. In the Center for Autism and the ZS in Waganowice, an important dimension of this work will be supporting pupils with disabilities, often with communication problems, which will allow on the one hand to increase volunteers’ sensitivity and sense of solidarity, but also to notice the diversity that is an integral part of society. Volunteers will also prepare presentations and workshops on their countries in this way, showing a different dimension of diversity. The similarity of the experience of diversity in different dimensions of life will allow volunteers as well as students, teachers and parents to experience the sense of community. 2)         The second objective of the project is to promote social commitment and taking responsibility in the local community. Volunteers through their daily work with the needy will be able to learn to recognize and respond to the needs of others. They will also have the chance to look at social support programs, activities of non-governmental organizations and grassroots initiatives in Krakow, and will be able to support these groups with their work. It will be an inspiration for them and a school to respond to the needs they perceive. 3)         The third goal of our project is the personal and social development of volunteers. Thanks to work in the above-mentioned facilities we hope to develop a their sensitivity that helps in recognizing and responding to the needs of those around us. Staying in a new, multicultural environment, participants will acquire (or develop) a number of competences, including ability to work in a team, individual work, learn Polish language and culture, improve communication in English and other languages and the ability to plan and carry out a mini-projects. Thanks to the development in these areas, volunteers will strengthen their position in the labor market.


  1. Please consider that SO have to organize CIGNA insurance for volunteer. Volunteers have to be acquainted with insurance rules before arrival. If it is possible, please take with you European Health Insurance Card


  • Please consider that we can use only the cheapest way of transport: by plane, train or by bus.
  • Remember please that you can spend money on tickets 1 month before start of volunteer activity, not earlier.
  • Please keep original tickets/invoices/boarding cards as they are needed for reimbursement purposes (after your arrival volunteers have to give all documents to project coordinator).
  • Please make sure that travel documents include date of purchase as well.
  • Please send us the approximate cost of transport to Krakow and from Krakow and please do NOT buy tickets yet
  • As soon you know your arrival date/time inform us so we can arrange picking you up from airport/station

Travel budget for a round trip for one volunteer depends on the distance “in straight line” according to distance calculator  between sending organization and Internationaler Bund Polska in Kraków, Poland.

         Travel distances            Amount
Between 100 and 499 KM: 180 EUR per participant
Between 500 and 1999 KM: 275 EUR per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 KM: 360 EUR per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 KM: 530 EUR per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 KM: 820 EUR per participant



  1. Volunteer will be accommodated in a room in rented flat (in most cases shared with another volunteer the same sex) with access to kitchen and bathroom.
  2. Volunteers will share a flat together, they usually have double rooms.
  3. Flats are furnished and equipped with pillows, duvet covers, pillow cases and washing machine.
  4. Internet connection /Wi-Fi is not provided, however it is possible to arrange it (prices vary from 15-30 PLN/monthly per person).

The practical arrangements (working hours, days off, holidays):

  • Each volunteer will work from Monday to Friday, 30 hours per week, that is, no longer than 6 hours a day. Usually from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m
  • Volunteers will have 2 days off per month (altogether 20 days throughout the 10 months project, which can be taken off monthly or all together for a bigger holiday, but it has to be discuss and agreed with host organization and coordinating org.). Volunteers have to inform their hosting organization and coordinating organization about their whereabouts (also in case of health problems/sicknesses).
  • All polish holidays are also free for the volunteer (if there are no activities in host org.)


Volunteers will get money for food every month from coordinating institution (around ~350 PLN) + there may be a possibility to eat meals in host institutions. Volunteers have to do grocery shopping and cook for themselves, or eat out (more expensive option).

Pocket money:

Volunteer will get pocket money every month – 120 euro (in Polish zlotys PLN). Money will be transferred every month to volunteers.

Bank account:

We organize for every volunteer Polish bank account after arrival and money (pocket money/food allowance) is transferred to that account.

Local transport:

Volunteer will get monthly ticket for trams and buses in Krakow (including the workplace to the residence, the whole city, night buses). INFO: Please remember to take small photo which is needed to local transport ID.

Language support:

Language support will be arranged by coordinating institution. Course will be held by professional Polish as a foreign language teacher. Duration of the course depends on the length of the project. As a coordinating organization, we will provide other opportunities to practice Polish (tandem meetings etc.). Besides regular classes volunteer will be obligated to fill up test on OLS platform (system provided by European Commission) in the beginning and in the end of the project activity.


It is a special edition card dedicated to people who participate in European Voluntary Service. It gives an opportunity to travel/ try out new things – all this the cheapest possible way. The card has to be given to all volunteers up to the age of 30, and is valid for one year (or until the last day before the volunteer’s 31st birthday.

IB Polska facebook group for volunteers:


IB Polska volunteers blog:


IB Polska Facebook fanpage:


Weather in Poland/Krakow:

As the weather here can be quite unpredictable, to get the best out of your Polish experience it is important to include both an umbrella and sunglasses, necessary equipment all year long, so warm clothes for winter time and some things for summer time. During the autumn and spring the weather is often changeable – you are likely to enjoy moderately warm temperatures from April to June and from September to October, but it is also possible to see snow in April or people wearing short-sleeves in October. The weather in Poland is also characterized by transitional periods between the four seasons of the year. The city of Kraków has a problem with smog pollution from ~ November till ~March. People who suffer from respiratory system diseases and chronic disease such as astma should consider their application because SMOG may influence them.


The coordinating organization provides the volunteer with a mentor’s support who will help the volunteer set learning goals and together they may evaluate them after the project has finished. Also, the mentor can help the volunteer with emergency situations, such as going to the doctor.


Links do not work or you have questions? Please write to us: evs-ib-polska@ib.de or ib.polska.krakow@gmail.com

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