Hello, my name is Yassamine and I came from France. I wanted to make myself useful and travel so, the idea of the European voluntary service seduced me immediatly.

What I learn is to be patience, determined and to share.

Why sharing?

Well, it s easy: Because  if we are not ready to give a little of ourselves and to receive a little from the other we can’t grow up, we live without conviction.

Well now it’s time to tell you a story

once upon a time in a country which is Poland is a small village named  Wiekowicie approximately 20 km from Cracow, there is a farm called Farma Zycia.

No no no they do not take care of cows, sheeps and compan.

This farm is used to receive people with autism, essentially adults.

Why? How?

Actually the autism is one of handicaps very vast and every person reacts differently

But strangely in contact with the nature these people evolve very quickly.

They learn how to react every day , but also to enjoy art (painting, ceramic, garden center) everything becomes simpler when everyone makes an effort there..

This story is my story of voluntary service.

This story began with many concerns (the unknown), fears (the language)

then has continued with determination and the link with the others

and now it is a lot of happiness of sharing with the others (autistic essentially but not only)

This adventure is only the beginning of a bigger future.

Author: Yassamine

The European Voluntary Service project ‘Youth for diverse Europe’ is organised within the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 and financed by European Commission.

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