The answer is simple, we should care because there is no Plan B, we can’t move to Earth 2.0 if we keep damaging our ecosystem. This is why World Earth Day is so important and was designated by the UN to be on 22nd April.

Since the Industrial Revolution, the average temperature has grown by 1°C due to human activities. With this pace, we have already faced massive problems. Only in the last couple of years, we’ve seen many environmental disasters, such as fires in Southern Europe and Australia, but also droughts and floods.

If we don’t change, it has been assessed that the Earth’s average temperature will be 3-5°C higher within the end of this century and each of us will face the effects, no matter where we live. According to scientists, Europe will endure more frequent floods, while in Middle Easterm countries and in the western areas of the USA, drought could be the problem. A prolonged drought will turn into a desertification of the soil. 

We tend to think that we are not powerful enough to make a change. It is true that we also need political and global actions and a change in our industrial production. But each of us can make a difference. How? Here’s a little list to start from:

  1. We can save water, for example we can take a shower instead of a bath;
  2. we can turn off the lights and the electronic appliances when we are not using them, so as to save energy;
  3. we can buy second hand clothes and buy new one only when we need them;
  4. we can try not to throw away food, making sure not to buy too much;
  5. we can separate garbage and try to avoid buying items with plastic packagings when possible.

These are examples of little actions we can all make in our everyday life. We can make a difference and take care every day of Earth.

Data’s source: