The provision of layettes (individual educational packages) for children and youth fleeing the war in Ukraine is another activity of our foundation Internationaler Bund Polska, the Department of Education of the City of Krakow, and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The goal is to support the youngest inhabitants of Krakow and provide them with education at the highest level. We want every student to be provided with the right materials to learn and develop. We care about equal access to good quality education. To get closer to this goal, in cooperation with the Education Department of the City of Krakow and UNICEF, we are giving away school starter kits!

Let’s remember that together we can do more! #KrakowTogether

As part of our activities, we provide layettes for children and youth fleeing the war in Ukraine

The kits received are intended to help new students access quality and accessible education in Poland. The content of such a set is varied and adapted to the age of the student. Depending on their needs, students will get backpacks, inside which they will find crayons, paints, and other art supplies. There will also be notebooks, writing utensils, and a water bottle.


7,000 – students received school starter kits,
230 – schools benefited from our help,
11 days – that’s all we needed to distribute the whole thing!

Our work wouldn’t be so great without volunteers and friends!

From the very beginning of our project, we are very lucky to have great people! We would like to thank the Department of Education of the City of Krakow and UNICEF for their cooperation!

Help Coordination!

Sylwia Syryca-Jankowicz and Klaudia Błaszczak are project coordinators from the Kraków team Together in distribution activities!

We have provided:
5,000 school kits for classes I-IV,
2000 school starter kits for classes V-XI and secondary schools!

Projekt Kraków Wspólnie jest organizowany przez Fundację Internationaler Bund Polska przy współpracy z Wydziałem Edukacji UMK, finansowany przez Fundusz Narodów Zjednoczonych na rzecz Dzieci (UNICEF).
Проект «Краків Спільно» організовує Internationaler Bund Polska Foundation у співпраці з Департаментом освіти міста Кракова за фінансової підтримки Дитячого фонду ООН (ЮНІСЕФ).
The Internationaler Bund Polska Foundation organizes the Krakow Together project in cooperation with the Department of Education of the City of Krakow, financed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).