The „Greening the Blues” project, carried out by UNHCR and IB Polska Foundation aims to improve mental wellbeing and promote community building through nature-related activities. These activities target locals, refugees, persons with specific needs, and marginalized groups.
Spending time among plants and in the fresh air has a positive impact on well-being, helps us to better cope with stressful situations and boosts our resilience. The project aims to harness the properties of nature enriched with the benefits of community building, to support individuals and local communities to flourish.
Create a garden with us
and let’s have a common piece of land in Krakow – we will co-create it, spend time in it and take part in free classes and workshops.
Sign up, join us!
Greening the Blues will be multi-faceted combining community gardening, green workshops, knowledge exchange, social events, and city-wide garden competitions.
With these actions, IB Polska Foundation and UNHCR seek to bring about positive changes in the lives of participants and the community, not only during the project but also long after its completion.
Watch this space for the latest update.
Community gardens will be created in Nowa Huta and Wesola in partnership with the local community as a space to play, share and reflect.
Wesoła [Wesoła] – Ul. Kopernika 19 A, Kraków
Nowa Huta [Os. Szkolne 22] – Os. Szkolne 22, Kraków
Are you a plant expert, keen bird watch or a keen gardener?
We are looking for Green Elders and Green Leaders who have a passion for the environment, plants, animals and the seasons and who are willing to pass on their knowledge and skills with young people who will be the caretakers of the future.
Email address –
Phone number – +48 519 331 996
Dear nature lovers! Join Our Green Leaders Program!
We are happy to invite you to join our unique Green Leaders program. We are looking for teenagers and youth who are passionate about the environment and eager to make a positive impact by teaching others how to preserve the nature and creating actions to improve our environment.
As a Green Leader, you’ll have the opportunity to:
- Express your creativity and propose innovative solutions for environmental challenges. Whether it’s reducing plastic waste or protecting wildlife, your ideas matter!
- Teach others about respecting and cherishing our planet. You can pick any environmental topic close to your heart, and we will help you organize the workshop by providing materials you need and assisting you in its delivery.
Join us in nurturing a greener future for all! Contact us today to learn more about becoming a Green Leader. Together, we can create positive change and inspire others to protect our beautiful planet!
Contact Information: + 48 734 827 920;
Dear nature lovers! Join Our Green Elders Program!
We are happy to invite you to join our unique Green Elders program. We are looking for people aged 55+ who would like to share their knowledge and life experience in the field of nature and gardening!
Be a part of our team and become an inspiration for the younger generation!
As part of the Green Elders program, we invite you to become a mentor for children and youth. You will conduct workshops where you can share your wisdom and love for nature and gardening. We are looking for people who have experience and knowledge in nature-related topics, such as gardeners, beekeepers, artists who are inspired by nature, and others.
If you are a gardener, a wildlife enthusiast, or simply someone who knows a lot about animals or plants, your experience is invaluable.
You can pick whatever nature-related topic you wish, and we will help you organize the workshop by providing materials you need and assisting you in its delivery.
Join us in nurturing a greener future for all!
Contact us today to learn more about how to join the Green Elders team. Your experience will help inspire a new generation to protect and appreciate our natural environment.
Contact Information: + 48 734 827 920;
The Greening the Blues Project utilizes eco-friendly solutions and takes care of the environment. The project incorporates sustainable practices and environmentally friendly solutions. Additionally, it engages local communities by educating and encouraging pro-environmental attitudes, which supports building ecological awareness and collective action for protecting our planet. Environmental activities are also planned jointly with residents.
The „Greening the Blues” project is organized by the IB Polska Foundation and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
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