How and where do we help?
- We organize the service of storages (where donations are received and issued and shipments to Ukraine are prepared);
- We coordinate volunteering (dozens of volunteers on site and hundreds in a virtual base, on standby);
- We provide counseling at the Information Point for Foreigners in Krakow, supporting those fleeing the war to Poland (including legal advice, consultations, psychologist, first tips for staying);
- Events, meetings, integration workshops in Krakow and other places.
How did we help in 2022?
In 2022, thanks to the help of individuals, institutions, organizations, and the work of more than 11,000 volunteers, we were able to support more than 174,000 people in refugee crisis.
In parallel, we worked on behalf of our existing beneficiaries, who numbered almost 50,000, including many elderly people, people with disabilities, lower opportunities or special needs. Also, of extreme importance to us, we conducted numerous educational and volunteer promotion activities.
We strongly believe that each of us can and wants to help.
We are members of the Open Krakow Coalition
As part of the coalition, together with the City of Krakow, other organizations and activists in Krakow, we bring various types of assistance to refugees.
Coordination of the main activities of the Internationaler Bund Poland foundation is carried out in the office at 22 Daszyńskiego Avenue in Krakow.
This is where the foundation's headquarters are located, as well as the Multicultural Center in Krakow, run by us and many partners.
We are creating the #KrakowTogether project
In cooperation with the City of Krakow and with the support of UNICEF, we have prepared a number of activities together, which we are directing to people who have come from Ukraine, other countries and the residents of Krakow. Language courses, workshops, masterclasses, retrofitting of educational institutions, layettes for children, this and much more in the offer of the program, which will last until the end of June.
All activities are free for participants and caregivers!
We are preparing aid shipments to Ukraine
We send goods to verified Ukrainian organizations, which then distribute items to those in need.We are supported in this activity by individuals, volunteer groups, foundations and associations.
We organize activities in the Kamienica Szara
(Grey Tenement on the Market Square in Cracow)
Thanks to the kindness of Playbook Engineering limited liability company, our Foundation can realize activities for the integration of foreigners in an unusual space, in the center of Krakow.
IB Polska activities at the Kamienica Szara include joint meetings, integration, educational activities and various forms of activities for children, youth and adults. Everything related to our mission happens there.
We run Information Point for Foreigners in Krakow
At the Point, all foreigners staying in the city can receive information on administrative and governmental matters, procedures for staying in Poland.
In addition, it is possible to obtain free legal help, psychological support or use the services of translators and foreign assistants.
We run the Szafa Dobra (Good Wardrobe)
Szafa Dobra is a place open to people in need who fled the war in Ukraine and came to Krakow. It is where they can receive clothing, footwear and accessories free of charge.
As of March 7, 2023, the Wardrobe is also open to needy people under the care of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Krakow.
We are coordinating a warehouse with basic aid
We are operating a warehouse with basic aid for people fleeing the war in Ukraine at 16 Daszyńskiego Avenue in Krakow.
Here those in need can receive free of charge, in accordance with availability: a basic food package, cosmetics, hygiene products, things to sleep.
We are the operator of the Multicultural Center in Krakow
Since 2021, we have been the main operator of a city project in which, together with partners, we create a Multicultural Center.
We prepare walks, breakfasts or multicultural workshops. We invite Krakow citizens to join us in initiatives to build a multicultural city.
We run a volunteer group
Since the war began, it has been very active in organizing help for refugees from Ukraine. We have been supported by a lot of wonderful people, but we are still short of hands. We run and coordinate the volunteer group, presently there are about 10,000 people in it.
We co-create the Open Place in Krakow
We run the Open Place. Center for Intercultural Integration in Krakow. We create the space on Życzkowskiego 19 together with our partners - Zustricz Foundation and Salam Lab Association. Project is financed by UNHCR.
It is a place where people of different ages, genders and nationalities can get free legal advice, psychological support, and new knowledge and spend time in a useful way. The center hosts integration activities for teenagers or exercise classes for seniors. The center is open to everyone, and meetings are free of charge.
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