Is 20 years of Foundation’s work and experience a big or a small amount?
We can answear to this question only in one way: Yes.
We are going to share with You what happened in these last 20 years, in what way people who are recieving our help had changed their need’s and we are going to establish why and how is it all possible.
We want to accent, that our help would not be possible if not for the people who are supporting our cause. We are gratefull to all of You: volunteers, grantors, collaborators and co-workers and other organizations—everybody who we’ve had the pleasure of meeting during our journey.
IB Poland Foundation is incredible people
IB Poland Foundation is incredible people, who care about the world becoming a better place for all of us. Our mission is to create a safe enviroment consisting of equal rules for everybody. A target which we are going to accomplish the goal of fullfilling our mission is to support those ones who might feel or experience inequality. According to our vision we belive that every person has an amazing potential within themselves and with help of simple actions we can embrace and strengthen every positive attitude and manner.
Our actions are based on supporting and providing safe living conditions for: elders, people with disabilities, foreginers, children, kids, youth and adults.
The main foundations to our work are education, social assistance and help, volunteering, supporting the elders and multiculturalism.
What principles are important to You?
In this video we’ve asked our employees to share their thoughts on which principles they walue the most in both private life and in a workplace. Listen to what they had to say! Discover how diversity of experiences, passion for helping others and shared care for the welfare of the people we care about unite our community. Get inspired by walues which are pushing our mission forward and show the importance of teamwork, understanding and empathy in building a better world for everyone!
Touching stories that stay in your heart for a long time
Every day, employees of the IB Polska Foundation encounter different stories full of emotions and challenges. On the occasion of our anniversary, we asked them about the moments that moved them the most. What events stuck in their minds? What makes their work so unique? We invite you to watch our latest film, in which our employees share the most moving memories of working at the Foundation. See for yourself how much power lies in these stories.
We are present where and when we are needed!
Our Foundation over time has had various addresses and localiizations. As a result of actions we propose; support from partners; and of course all of our incredible Managament wokr, You can find us at:
- In Cracow:
- Main Office, Daszyńskiego Avenue 22;
- IB Polska w Hucie, os. Górali 24;
- Multicultural Centre and Point of Information for Foreginers in Kraków, st. Zabłocie 20; ;
- In Tychy:
- Office branch in Tychy, st, Edukacji 11 ;
In our news you can always check, what we are doing right now!
Harmonogram (16.09-22.09.2024) zajęć na os. Górali 24 w Krakowie.
PL/ENG/UA Przedstawiamy harmonogram na kolejny tydzień działań w lokalizacji na os. Górali 24. Zajęcia prowadzone w ramach projektów Centrum Edukacji i Wsparcia oraz Miejsce Otwarte [...]
Praca w magazynie na wózku widłowym
Nasza fundacja IB Polska poszukuje osoby do pracy w magazynie - koniecznie z uprawnieniami na wózek widłowy. Miejsce pracy: KRAKÓWWymagania Uprawnienia do obsługi wózka widłowego; [...]
Szukamy osoby do pracy w magazynie
Nasza fundacja IB Polska pilnie poszukuje osoby do pracy w magazynie w ramach prowadzonych akcji pomocowych. Miejsce pracy: KRAKÓW Opis stanowiska pracy Koordynacja pracy wolontariuszy [...]